Our Projects


  • Ensure all scaffold brackets are in good condition and have not been damaged since the last installation
  • Ensue platform is fully decked out and toe-board and handrail installed.
  • Penetration holes in the slab for transferring panels must be covered when not in use until cast with correct.
  • Any workers working above platform level must wear safety belt attached to a secured formwork component or the wall steel.
  • When removing of the timber batons from the floor after casting ensure no nails have been left exposed.
  • Pins and wedges to be removed with care especially on the external of the building.
  • Handling of equipment.
  • Formwork should not be stacked on the scaffold.

Post – Concrete Activities

  1. Strike Wall Form- It is required to strike down the wall form.
  2. Strike Deck Form- The deck form is then removed.
  3. Clean, Transport and stack formwork
  4. Strike Kicker Formwork – The kicker are removed.
  5. Strike wall – Mounted on a Working Platform the wall are fitted on next floor.
  6. Erect Wall – Mount Working Platform and the wall is erected.
Normally all formwork can be struck after 12 hours.